حول راني
Dedicated to your Success
My story in business started after I stayed home for seven full years to take care of my children. When I decided to go back to the workforce, I found myself suffering from imposter syndrome; i.e. I doubted myself and saw no value in me for someone to hire me. I felt perplexed, lost, and shackled, to mention a few.
I met a life coach, and that was the turning point in my life.
I knew my values, my strength, and my opportunities. Not only that I found many job opportunities, but I also started my business. My dream took off. I decided to pay it forward and become a business coach myself.
As your coach, your accountability partner, and your success journey companion, I will walk with you on the path of self-discovery to transform your life to turn it around.
حرصًا على تعلم المزيد عن التدريب ، حصلت على شهادتي في التدريب على الحياة من الاتحاد الدولي للمدربين. أنا متخصص في التدريب على الحياة التحويلي الذي يحقق تغييرًا إيجابيًا في حياتك. سوف تتحرر من معتقداتك التخريبية الذاتية ، وتستفيد من إمكاناتك الكاملة ، وتصمم مستقبلًا جميلًا ، وتصل إلى ذروة أدائك في العلاقات ، والحياة المهنية ، والرفاهية ، والتنمية الذاتية.
I am an Associate Certified Coach (ACC).
Positive Psychology Certified Master Coach (PPMC).
Advanced Emotional Intelligence Coach.
Accredited Personal Transformation Breakthrough Coach.
Accredited Group Coach.
Certified Reiki Master & Teacher Coach.
Relationship Coaching.
تخصصي أو أركز على تدريب المهاجرين. الهجرة هي واحدة من أكبر التغييرات في حياة المرء. إنه يأتي مع تحدياته الشاقة والمرهقة. لكوني مهاجرًا لأكثر من عشرين عامًا ، سأزودك بالأساليب والتقنيات الصحيحة لتحويل هذه المغامرة إلى مغامرة مجزية.

Our journey will be transformative that bring a positive change in your life. You will break free from your self-sabotaging beliefs, tap into your full potential, design a beautiful future, and reach your peak performance in relationships, career, well-being, and self-development.
Coaching is like a cherry on top of my formal education.
I have a master's degree in Business Administration with a focus on Human Resource Management.
I have another master's degree in Communication studies from the California State University of Long Beach.
I have a graduate diploma in Digital Marketing from the University of California in Irvine.
Let's make a breakthrough together
أنا أؤمن بالتطوير المهني المستمر. التدريب على الحياة هو رحلة تعلم مدى الحياة وهي ضرورة في عالم دائم التطور.